Sep 26, 2007

Vegetarian Salad Rojak


1 pair You Tiao (sliced)
3 Tou Pok (sliced)
1 small cup of green seedless grapes (cut into halfs)
1 small cupp of apples (cut into 1/2 inche cubes)
2 tbsp ready made vegetarian rojak paste from and vegetarian stores (WIRA 2020 brand)
2 tbsp plain water
1 cup of peanuts (grind)

1. Put all ingredients into 1 big mixing bowl.
2. Mix rojak paste with plain water until paste turns to sauce.
3. Mix sauce into ingrediants. Making sure that all ingrediants are properly mixed.
4. Top with grinded peanuts.
5. Chilled in the refridgerator for 10 minutes.

Served chilled.

1 comment:

a veg*n @ Blog*Spot said...


Great to see recipe here! By sharing veg*n recipes in blog, we market vegatarianism via the internet!

Cheers :)